Retrieve API Key

To communicate with the Nusagate API, api key & secret key are required. You need to generate api key first. Follow the steps given below.

  1. Login to your Nusagate Account

  2. On the Dashboard, go to Settings > Developers > Api Key


  • Save your secret key, cause that will be hidden after generated.

  • Api key and secret key between sandbox environment and production environment are different.


Environment can be switch from switch on bottom left sidebar on dashboard

  • Sandbox Environment: Can be used to create simulation transactions (usually performed from your development/testing environment). All transaction made within this environment mode is not "real", and only require to using testnet network.

  • Production Environment: Can be used when you are ready to accept "real payment/fund" from your customer. Customer will need to make a real payment to trigger the payment status update. Transaction fee may apply to any payment created in this environment mode.

Last updated